Chenango River Theatre is presenting Michelle Lowe's dark, yet relentlessly funny play, 'The Smell of the Kill'."The story revolves around housewives Nicky, Molly, and Debra, marginal friends who have tolerated one another during once-a-month dinners for years. Nicky is married to an embezzler and is ready to kill for money. Molly is married to a stalker and is ready to kill for more sex. Debra is married to an adulterer and is just ready to kill. While their unseen spouses practice putting in the dining room, the women exchange confidences for the first time, revealing chinks in all three marriages. When a completely unlikely opportunity presents itself, and gives each of them an opportunity to escape their marriages, one by one the women make their choices with more than a little help from one another." Photo Credit: Chenango River Theatre