Shapes are everywhere! Learn how to talk about their special properties with your child. Go on a shape hunt at home or at the store! There are lots of ways to practice identifying shapes with your child.I spy a circle! Circles are special because they do not have any corners.This shape has four sides, but they are not all the same length. These two sides are equal, and these two sides are equal. So, this is a rectangle! spy a square! A square has sides that are all the same length. A side is a straight line that forms a shape. Squares have four sides.Ask your child, can you find any triangles? Triangles have three sides and three corners. When two sides of a shape touch, they form a corner.By the end of preschool, your child will know four shapes: circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles.In Kindergarten, your child will also look for hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres when you go on a shape hunt.Look for shapes wherever you are! Don’t forget to talk about sides and corners.
Pre-Kindergarten Common Core Standards
Geometry: Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).
(PK.G.1) Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes.(PK.G.2) Correctly name shapes regardless of size.
Geometry: Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
(K.G.1) Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes.(K.G.2) Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientation or overall size.