Explore the world created by America’s First Peoples. The four part series reaches back 15,000 years to reveal massive cities aligned to the stars, unique systems of science and spirituality, and 100 million people connected by social networks spanning two continents.
From Caves to Cosmos
Combine ancient wisdom and modern science to answer a 15,000-year-old question: who were America’s First Peoples?
Nature to Nations
Explore the rise of great American nations, from monarchies to democracies.
Cities of the Sky
Discover the cosmological secrets behind America’s ancient cities.
New World Rising
Discover how resistance, survival and revival are revealed.
Join us as we partner with the Rockwell Museum to host a screening event of Native America Thursday, December 6th, 2018 from 6pm-8pm at the Rockwell, 111 Cedar Street Corning, NY. We will be screening the 'Nature to Nations' episode of Native America.
Space is limited and registration is encouraged. Visit this webpage for full details and to register.
TEACHER RESOURCES Explore the cultural stories featured in the Native America series through these animated Sacred Stories.
Explore Native America through geography, cultural artifacts, and storytelling within this Interactive Map.
Mission US: A Cheyenne Odyssey is an interactive game for students in grades 6-8 complete with learning goals, models of instruction, and guiding questions.
Take a fascinating look at Native American art, history, and culture as told through the historians, artists, students, and scientists in this featured resource collection available on PBS LearningMedia.