Education NewsIn fourth grade, your child will use the four operations to solve word problems involving money. In order to do this, she will first learn to decompose,…
Education NewsTo decompose means to break apart. Your child has already decomposed whole numbers with number bonds, tape diagrams, and place value charts. In fourth…
Education NewsIn fourth grade, your child will use the metric system to measure length, mass, and capacity. Length refers to the measurement of something from end to…
Education NewsWhen your child first learns to multiply two two-digit numbers, she will use the area model. This visual tool illustrates how to decompose numbers and…
Education NewsWhen first learning to multiply two two-digit numbers your child will use the area model.To start, your child will use her knowledge of place value to…
Education NewsYour child’s introduction to multiplication is through repeated addition. He will draw an array to visualize, or see, five groups of four stars. He will…
Education NewsLearning to assess the reasonableness of an answer is an important mathematical skill. It’s your child’s way of seeing if she’s on the right track when…
Education NewsIn third grade, your child will solve two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Let’s try one: There were ten…
Education NewsIn third grade, your child will represent fractions in pictures, number bonds, and on a number line. These drawings, or models, allow your child to…
Education NewsWhen a whole is broken into equal parts each part is a fraction. Each part of this fraction is one-half. Your child will draw tape diagrams as a visual…