The city of Elmira’s historic past meets its present when the Friends of the Elmira Civil War Prison Camp hosts its first Civil War Symposium in August with Elmira College. Elmira’s connection with the American Civil War includes a Confederate soldier prison camp, a stop on the Underground Railroad, and its primary purpose as Union soldier enlistment and training camps.
On the afternoon of March 6th, 1962 a practical nurse working in the formula room at Binghamton General Hospital’s maternity ward noticed the sugar…
15 years on the Erie Canal? Try 100. The New York State Canal System is officially 100 years old and the Canal Society of New York and the State Canal Corporation celebrated the big day on Thursday with a ceremony
Twice the targets of systematic racism — an "extermination order" by German colonizers, then brutal segregation by South Africa — they're still fighting to regain what they lost.
A unique civics class at the New York Historical Society uses paintings, sculptures and stories to teach immigrants the American history they need to know to pass their citizenship test.
Education NewsTeachers, we hope you will bring your class and join us for a live discussion with Ken Burns!
Education NewsMany of us know and love traditional spirituals like Swing Low, Sweet Chariot or Wade in the Water. But a lesser known aspect is that many of these songs…
The Music Director of the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers, Baruch Whitehead, joins us to talk about their concert on Sunday, March 25 in the Clemens Center…
The Hanford Mills Museum near Oneonta presents its annual Ice Harvest Festival on Saturday, February 3 from 10am to 3pm. Executive Director Liz Callahan joins us to explain the process of harvesting ice, how it is stored, the treat that is the ultimate reward in July for the ice harvest in February.
Just what exactly is permafrost? And what is happening now that it's warming up? To find out, we enter the Arctic circle's secret world of ice and frozen history.
In 1869, James and Elvira Scott purchased a farmhouse and 98 acres of farmland on what was called Sand Pond in upstate New York. The two moved in and…
The Gray Riders DVD is now available as a thank you gift for your contribution of $60 or more to support WSKG Public TV programs. Contribute online or…