TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY (WSKG) - Democratic congressional candidate Tracy Mitrano Monday moved her campaign outdoors. She conducted a town hall meeting at a park in the Town of Ithaca.
In New York's 23rd Congressional District, Mitrano is running against incumbent Republican Tom Reed. It reaches across the Southern Tier into western New York and includes Ithaca, Elmira and Hornell.
About a dozen people came to the event. Everyone sat safe distances apart and wore a mask. Many were already Mitrano supporters but came out anyway. Haley Gross, who wore a floral print cloth face mask, is from the Elmira area. She appreciated that Mitrano took COVID-19 safety precautions seriously.
"This year with an election year and the pandemic it kind of draws attention; support should be more. Especially when we have legislators in office that aren’t representing the people and don’t necessarily care about certain precautions," said Gross.
Mitrano spoke for a while then took questions. Most who spoke expressed their support. One comment about science and the COVID-19 pandemic led Mitrano to explain her disapproval of the President’s handling of the crisis. She also criticized Reed’s support for the President in general.