Charles Compton
“We definitely recommend for this election that voters do their homework...know what these proposals are.”
“The ballot is extremely long in several of our counties and they’re like up to three pages, which means that the cost of returning those ballots is more than just a single stamp."
These races are more contentious than ever, but getting information can be difficult.
A combined shortage of labor, material, and transportation has made it difficult for stores like Tops and Wegmans to keep many items in stock.
The Senate proposal would end the ability of voters to place themselves on a permanent list to receive mail-in ballots.
“Prisons are a hotbed of infectious disease transmission they have been for since they've been designed and utilized."
"We have a governor who has proven she can do the job and do it with distinction. We have a governor, who by any measure has earned our support.”
Next week, Barlow will kick off a solo tour with three dates in Rochester, Ithaca and Buffalo.
“Gasoline and diesel fuel vehicles are responsible for smog, toxic particulate matter that drives adverse health outcomes."
“It does not have to happen, my friends, it does not have to happen. What is looming for Monday is completely avoidable and there are no excuses.”