Crystal Sarakas
There’s an image that many of us have of the Underground Railroad: enslaved people fleeing at night, being hunted by slave catchers, heading northward through a series of tunnels and hidden rooms. And while those moments did exist, they have somewhat overshadowed what the Underground Railroad was really about: the people.
American folk standards like "Shenandoah" and "Wayfaring Stranger" have been covered a thousand different ways. But American Patchwork Quartet has managed to make these cherished but familiar songs sound new again.
Off The Page from WSKG · Episode 17 - Journalist Keri Blakinger on her memoir "Corrections in Ink" Keri Blakinger is the author of CORRECTIONS IN INK, a…
Journalist Mark Follman writes about the warning signs and ways people are intervening to stop potential mass shooters
Off The Page from WSKG · Episode 13 - CSE Cooney and the magical world of Dark BreakersC.S.E. Cooney writes lush, magical stories about love-struck…
Off The Page from WSKG · Episode 12 - Bree Barton and ZIA ERASES THE WORLD Ithaca author Bree Barton talks with host Crystal Sarakas about depression, the…
Author and disability rights activist Elsa Sjunneson talks with host Crystal Sarakas about disability representation in the media, harmful tropes, and…
Off The Page from WSKG · Episode 10 - Julie Zickefoose talks about Saving Jemima: The Life and Love of a Hard Luck Jay Julie Zickefoose joins host Crystal…
Oneonta author Tom Morgan takes us inside a small-town murder trial, from beginning to end, in his book A TRIAL IN COOPERSTOWN.
Off The Page from WSKG · Anne Bailey - The Weeping TimeBetween 1760 and 1860, more than 1.2 million enslaved men, women and children were sold in the…