Life in the Trees
Discovering the Eighth Continent
Guest Speaker: Dr. Margaret “Canopy Meg” Lowman
Science Pub was recorded on September 14, 2021.
Did you know that more than 50 percent of the world's land-based creatures live in treetops? Yet scientists have classified less than 10 percent of this biodiversity. Come hear stories that will inspire us to think more urgently about forest conservation, help save big trees, and ultimately, keep our planet healthy.
Dr. Margaret “Canopy Meg” Lowman shared tales from her adventurous childhood as a collector of wildflowers, nests, snake skins, and other natural collectibles, which led her to becoming one of the world's first arbornauts. Whereas astronauts explore outer space, arbornauts investigate treetops. Meg discussed forest canopies throughout the world and show us how to help them thrive.
Meg is co-founder and executive director of TREE Foundation and more recently launched MISSION GREEN in 2020. Her memoir, The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth Continent in the Trees Above Us, was released in 2021.