“If the pandemic was over today, and our economy was back to where it was pre-pandemic, we would probably be in a pretty good place. I think the concern really comes in when we look at the future.”
“We find the data is suggesting children should be wearing masks any time they are outside of their family’s home and can’t maintain a distance of 6 or more feet.”
"We are more than happy to provide childcare. It’s complicated. It’s not easy. But it’s our mission."
The Y, and New York City's Department of Education, have been caring for tens of thousands of children during the pandemic. Neither has had reports of coronavirus clusters or outbreaks.
$20 million will be available to help reopen and expand capacity for child care providers, and $45 million will be available to help pay for the cost of a newly opened classroom.
“There’s just not enough availability for every kid that wants to be in day care to be in day care in most states today."
“Going out there and saying ‘support your local economy’ is going to make you look bad if at the same time you are saying ‘put your kids in danger.’”
The organization Research for Action (RFA) estimates there are fewer than 50,000 available seats. In that same analysis, RFA found 150,000 families that likely need child care outside traditional hours.
People earning 150% of their state's median income would be asked to spend no more than 7% of their personal income on child care.
New York is getting ready for big changes to child care regulations. New federal rules say child care centers have to start fingerprinting employees and…