The report compares the legal process for implementing a moratorium to the one that was used to temporarily halt high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in 2010.
Williams said he’s not against cryptocurrency mining altogether, but wants companies to reevaluate their mining process so it doesn’t use as much electricity.
A debate over cryptocurrency mining on Seneca Lake turned into a broader test of the state’s climate law. That test is likely to come to a head in 2022.
The move comes as the DEC is considering renewal of the air pollution permits for Greenidge Generation, a power plant and cryptocurrency mining operation in Yates County.
“Is it or is it not an energy hog. If it is? If it's undermining our climate goals then we need to take a really really careful look at it, including saying no."
The IBEW’s now outspoken support of Greenidge indicates that opponents may face a broader front in their efforts to pass legislation implementing a moratorium on cryptocurrency mining.
Under the tax code section of last month’s budget agreement, any company that builds a center in the Keystone State won’t have to pay sales tax on the thousands of pieces of equipment needed.
Among those in opposition are union groups.
Any bills passed would require Cuomo’s signature.
A separate piece of legislation by Kelles could possibly come up for a final vote as soon as Monday