The measure creates regulatory standards for hemp products.
"This is particularly worrisome for customers with low and fixed incomes, as well as small businesses."
"This will really become our hub on the east coast of the United States to do this manufacturing and really scale the business."
“There are currently just four members in the New York State Senate who are from upstate and that’s vastly different than the way it used to be. Many of us in the Assembly majority had majority partners who some of us worked very closely with.”
Amid lawsuits fighting a bill that allows illegal immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, Binghamton Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo says the measure is still good for New York.
The effort is part of a New York State plan to reduce poverty
Lawmakers returned to Albany for the 2017 legislative session. Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo represents the 123rd district, which includes the city of…
Almost a quarter of New York children live in poverty, and in the city of Binghamton, that figure is near 50 percent. State legislators and community…