Candidates interested in local offices in Steuben County are out canvassing for signatures to get on the ballot.
Natural gas has been found in shale rock in Pennsylvania and New York. But one state has banned fracking, while the other allows it to continue — and that's unlikely to change.
Democrats already secured a super majority on election night. But if they win the 6th District seat as well, all city council positions will be held by Democrats. That seat remains up in the air, with the two candidates tied.
Democrats in Elmira flipped the city council this week according to hand-recount results. It is the first time in over 30 years that there is a Democratic majority on the city council according to the county Board of Elections.
The towns of Addison and Wheeler in Steuben County voted down similar ballot measures during this year’s general election. Both wanted to eliminate the elected highway superintendent position and replace it with an appointed one.
The Chemung County Board of Elections is still counting absentee and affidavit votes one week after the general election, with some races too close to call in parts of the county.
Voters in the city of Corning will go to the polls Tuesday to decide who represents them in the Steuben County Legislature. Democrat Joe Tobia is running against Republican Alison Hunt for an open seat.
This year's general election is just days away and voters in the city of Elmira will decide if they want to reelect the city’s mayor. Incumbent Republican Mayor Dan Mandell is facing a challenge from Democratic candidate Jim Hassell.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last week that state legislatures lack unilateral authority over federal elections – which includes election laws, congressional districts, and federal election certifications.