The new owner of a building in Geneva, N.Y., found the attic's walled-off room. Among the prints of mostly area locals was one of Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the women's suffrage movement.
The latest government figures show a net loss of 140,000 jobs in December. What may be surprising is that all those jobs were held by women, especially women of color.
The anti-loitering law, passed in 1976, resulted in decades of discrimination by law enforcement against women of color and people who are transgender, critics say.
The AARP Foundation and SAGE, an organization that advocates for older LGBTQ people, announced that they’re working together on an initiative. The two organizations hope to improve the quality of life for older LGBTQ people.
“What we still need is the Equality Act to be passed. Without that major legislation, we’re still subject to the whim of the president.”
"There will be a generation that won’t know any different. It will be – this is not just something that’s a fluke. This is the standard. The next president is not going to be able to go back."
The team's owner said Jared Porter has been terminated after ESPN reported he repeatedly sent explicit messages to a reporter while he worked for the Chicago Cubs in 2016.
A virtual ceremony hosted by the National Women's Hall of Fame Thursday night honored 6 women for their pioneering efforts toward equality.
"We're going to make a concerted effort to recognize the women of minorities that need to be acknowledged, and we're also going to use this as an opportunity to educate, and request that the public nominate."
“You can just go online and just fill out the application. Which is especially helpful with COVID, thinking about ways to give survivors access to resources in a faster way.”