The city will likely be the latest municipality to adopt New York state’s tenant protection law, which limits the amount a landlord can raise rent or terminate a paying tenant’s lease.
Binghamton could become the next upstate New York municipality to opt in to New York’s "good cause eviction" law. On Wednesday, the city council voted to hold over the legislation to opt into the rental protections until its next business meeting February 12.
The law puts a limit to how much landlords can raise rent at one time. It also limits the reasons a landlord could refuse to renew a tenant’s lease.
The law limits rent hikes and automatically gives tenants the option to renew their lease under most circumstances.
Upstate communities can opt into the new statewide legislation. The protections automatically give tenants who follow their leases the option to renew, under most circumstances.
Data from Cornell University researchers shows eviction rates haven’t just returned to pre-pandemic levels; they’ve largely exceeded them.
City officials have voiced concerns about state preemption, or that the still will overrule the bill if passed over issues of jurisdiction.
Dozens of tenants' rights activists gathered outside Ithaca City Court Thursday to call for the city to pass a "Right to Renew Leases" bill.
The City of Ithaca has been looking at new requirements for lease renewals. The proposed measure is intended to give renters more time before they must decide whether to stay in their home.
Advocates for "Good Cause" eviction in Ithaca say it would give more negotiating power to tenants who are in a vulnerable position.