The Council voted Wednesday to “accept” a policy proposal on the issue. That did not, however, put any legislation into law.
That way, the city could keep encampments away from crowded or dangerous areas, and concentrate them in places where there is better access to service workers and emergency responders.
The provision increases the time tenants have to decide if they want to renew their lease before a landlord can show their home to other renters.
City officials have voiced concerns about state preemption, or that the still will overrule the bill if passed over issues of jurisdiction.
Dozens of tenants' rights activists gathered outside Ithaca City Court Thursday to call for the city to pass a "Right to Renew Leases" bill.
The compromise comes after cries for more of an investment to fight climate change.
They want two more full-time staff members, more money and a longer commitment to funding.
Police body cam footage and surrounding security videos showed officers forcefully arresting the two.
Electric-assisted bicycles and scooters are now legal on New York streets. As the session ended, the New York state legislature passed a bill to legalize the vehicles on Thursday.