Education NewsGathering data and figuring out what you know are important steps in solving a problem. But, how you organize all that information is just as important!…
Education NewsOne of the visual tools your child will use in Kindergarten is the 10-frame card. Your child will know a 10-frame card has five on top and 5 on bottom. It…
Education NewsYour Kindergartener will not use greater than, less than, or equal to symbols, but he does need to learn how to compare numbers. Help your child to…
Education NewsIn kindergarten, your child will learn to count all the way to 100, by ones and by tens! But wait—Can he count to 100… starting from 29? Twenty-eight……
Education NewsNumber bonds show part, part, whole. Your child will use number bonds to solve take-away problems.Let’s try one. Here are 5 apples. Five is the whole…
Education NewsNumber bonds help children to visualize addition. Learn how to practice with your kindergartener! There are many terms your child will use when learning…
Education NewsYour Kindergartener will learn to add to 10. Help him learn these number partners!Ten is a very important number. Finding the number partners that add to…