After turning out for racial justice and other movements in the U.S., they are frustrated by the response to attacks and hatred directed at Jews following the latest Mideast violence.
SYRACUSE, NY (WRVO) - The issue of gay marriage is at the heart of a disagreement in the Episcopal Church in upstate New York. An Albany Bishop has banned same-sex marriage in his diocese, going so far as to say in a letter to the Albany Diocese that the church has been 'hijacked by the 'gay rights agenda,'" with Satan at the source of this division in the church.
PITTSBURGH, PA (WSKG) -- The anti-Semitic gunman who allegedly killed 11 and wounded six others in Pittsburgh this weekend is facing 29 federal charges.
To people who have spent their lives studying and combating the Catholic child abuse scandal, the revelations from last week’s grand jury report on six dioceses in Pennsylvania are numbingly familiar.
The Philippines is the last country in the world that does not allow divorce.
A Pew study says that 20 percent of Americans who identify as Muslims are converts. With surges in hate crimes and negative media portrayals, here's what makes them faithful.