“This is an emergency. Please, people need to act like it's an emergency."
"They lost it once and they knew what it was like and they didn't want to lose it again.”
"I’ve toured the plant, there’s a huge wall there and they say it’s ready for a thousand year flood. So I’m pretty confident. There’s redundant systems, things are behind concrete walls. So there may be minor destruction but nothing like happened on September 2011."
“That doesn’t exist. We don’t have a lot of affordable housing anywhere in Delaware County.”
Four environmental organizations are threatening to sue the owner of a York County coal-fired power plant over pollution they say is discharging into the Susquehanna River.
Illness seen as a key piece of the puzzle in population decline
Chesapeake Bay By Air can be seen on WSKG TV March 9, 2016 at 10pm. Shot in the air from two to two thousand feet, Chesapeake Bay by Air's unique…
The number of young bass that survive to become adults has plummeted in about 100 miles of the Lower Susquehanna, as well as parts of the Juniata, over…