The Port is on track to process 740,000 containers by year's end — up 15 percent from last year.
"There has never been a problem at the United States and Canadian border. We are deeply dependent on each other for our economic viability."
A new study from AAA shows the law appears to be changing people’s behavior.
Some obstacles remain before much of that money starts flowing to projects in the Keystone State.
“I look forward to the benefits this historic investment will provide in modernizing our infrastructure for the future of Pennsylvania."
Just like foreign travelers, Canadians will need to show a negative COVID-19 test at the border to re-enter their country.
"It’s safer, safer for motorists, safer for highway safety workers and more cost-effective than a quarter-million dollar truck.”
"That position has never been funded to the degree that it should be."
“Gasoline and diesel fuel vehicles are responsible for smog, toxic particulate matter that drives adverse health outcomes."
Earlier research found oil and gas brines contain harmful material