According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, nearly 185,000 veterans who receive health care from VA centers have been diagnosed with at least one traumatic brain injury.
County Executive Jason Garnar said over 10,000 veterans live in the county, and finding affordable housing is often a challenge for them.
The fate of the largest library in Bradford County, Pennsylvania is in the hands of three county commissioners. Some of the commissioners initially wanted to close the library due to its cost to the county.
The homes are turning away veterans due to lack of staffing.
Operation Green Light is a nationwide campaign geared towards showing appreciation towards the men and women who have served their country both in peace time and active time.
One of the leading opponents to the bill is Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) who argues the legislation allows for unrestricted spending.
Newly-public data shows outbreaks among staff and residents throughout the pandemic.
“Each year despite the program’s stunning success rate, our veterans are forced to travel to Albany to advocate for funding for the program."
“So many of these local governments have not had the resources to give the proper recognition posthumously to these people and remember them."
Though many still don't qualify for federal veterans benefits, they now can receive state benefits in New York, Colorado, and other states.