As the seasons change and the weather turns colder, people could see their energy costs increase. WSKG talks with NYSEG President and CEO Trish Nilsen about how to keep costs down.
The increase expected in natural gas prices locally, and around the world is partly attributed to the global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“When I was around 12 years old, I lived far from the ocean,” he said. “So I surfed on my bed, on my pillow. I always imagined my pillow was a surf board and I was in the wave.”
The Senator is among lawmakers now calling for increased support for LIHEAP, including at least $10 million in emergency funding.
New Yorkers who have appointments at centers that closed because of the storm will receive new appointments by email or text.
As the nor'easter works its way along the East Coast, forecasters warn that parts of the region could see snowfall totals of one or even two feet.
Households can apply for a second emergency benefit through the Home Energy Assistance Program - or HEAP - if they are in danger of running out of fuel or having their utility service shut off and have already received assistance this winter.
The idea for the blankets was inspired by a hospital in Florida, but, in the winter weather of Upstate New York, the group is making theirs thicker and the need is greater.
Home Energy Assistance Program is a federally funded program meant to help low-income households pay for heat during the winter.
Timofey Yuriev talks about his miraculous rescue of two other dogs that was captured on video.